LeBron James回歸騎士的一流聲明

2014-7-13 21:09:52

在Facebook看到喬靖夫兄分享籃壇超級新聞:LeBron James宣佈重返克里夫蘭騎士隊,並在留言中貼上這位「帝王」在Sports Illustrated所發表的聲明,附上一句Comment:「就呢篇聲明,徐緣大把嘢寫了。」

我曾幾何時是NBA迷,不過現在太忙已沒時間追看,對上還稱得上緊貼NBA動態之時,已經要數到Chicago Bulls鐵三角Michael Jordan、Scottie Pippen、Dennis Rodman的年代,那時他們的死敵之一,是Utah Jazz的John Stockton與Karl Malone。還記得那時非常討厭這對猶他組合,原因只有一個字:「悶」。我認,我是一個膚淺的NBA觀眾,當年這對拍檔只靠一招Pick-and-Roll與籃球之神Jordan抗衡,大眾稱讚他們實而不華。我當時的憤青思維是:「不華?我睇NBA就係要睇人有幾「華」吖嘛,全世界只有NBA啲人打波可以打到飛嚟飛去,我睇NBA就係要睇啲我做唔到嘅動作吖嘛,睇「不華」我去修頓啦 ?」


為方便非NBA迷賞析這篇聲明,先要交代一些簡單背景。LeBron James是當今NBA最紅球星,在高中時代已被選為「高中籃球先生」,在2003年的NBA選秀會上,以第一輪第一順位被自己家鄉俄亥俄州的騎士隊Cleveland Cavaliers選中,成為史上最年輕的選秀狀元。甫進NBA,便憑其無出其右的技術成為焦點,被美譽為「帝王」。但在名聲如日方中之際,於2010年透過ESPN舉辦的全國直播特別節目「The Decision」,宣布離開效力多年的母會,與熱火隊Miami Heat簽約。此舉引來騎士隊球迷的極度不滿,騎士隊老闆Dan Gilbert在盛怒之下,發佈了一封用詞甚狠的公開信,形容LeBron James的轉會為「cowardly betrayal」,且嚴厲批評他在電視的離隊宣言:「This was announced with a several-day, narcissistic, self-promotional build-up culminating with a national TV special of his “decision” unlike anything ever “witnessed” in the history of sports and probably the history of entertainment.」

雖然LeBron James在熱火的4年內成功助球隊贏得兩次NBA總冠軍,但個人形象一直受那次公關處理失當的轉會事件影響,他在多次訪問中都有提及,以往萬千寵愛在一身,卻突然要面對球迷的喪Boo柴台,心理上不易適應。是故今次重返母會騎士,LeBron James明顯就如何公佈有公關的考慮,而今次他找來著名運動雜誌Sport Illustrated(SI)以獨家報導形式宣佈,並借SI Senior Writer Lee Jenkins之手潤筆,寫成了一篇我認為相當出色的公關聲明。以下跟分享全篇原文,一起借這篇範文學習學習。

LeBron: I’m coming back to Cleveland (BY LEBRON JAMES (AS TOLD TO LEE JENKINS)

Before anyone ever cared where I would play basketball, I was a kid from Northeast Ohio. It’s where I walked. It’s where I ran. It’s where I cried. It’s where I bled. It holds a special place in my heart. People there have seen me grow up. I sometimes feel like I’m their son. Their passion can be overwhelming. But it drives me. I want to give them hope when I can. I want to inspire them when I can. My relationship with Northeast Ohio is bigger than basketball. I didn’t realize that four years ago. I do now.

Sport Illustrated的Managing Editor Chris Stone就此聲明被訪時提到,整篇文章的重點並不在於公佈決定,而是要清楚解釋LeBron James重返母會之因,這是「帝王」把整件事交給Lee Jenkins的寄望,其中當然有公關形象洗底的考量。Jenkins的手法,是將整篇聲明加入強烈的個人情感,讓LeBron James有血有肉的一面展示人前。

聲明之開首,LeBron James訴以鄉情,明明是一篇轉會聲明,但開宗明義叫大家先不要關心轉會一事,讓他娓娓道出在俄亥俄州的成長故事,指出自己對家鄉的情感,大於對籃球的熱愛,而這是轉會熱火四年之後,今天的真摯感受。

Remember when I was sitting up there at the Boys & Girls Club in 2010? I was thinking, This is really tough. I could feel it. I was leaving something I had spent a long time creating. If I had to do it all over again, I’d obviously do things differently, but I’d still have left. Miami, for me, has been almost like college for other kids. These past four years helped raise me into who I am. I became a better player and a better man. I learned from a franchise that had been where I wanted to go. I will always think of Miami as my second home. Without the experiences I had there, I wouldn’t be able to do what I’m doing today.

I went to Miami because of D-Wade and CB. We made sacrifices to keep UD. I loved becoming a big bro to Rio. I believed we could do something magical if we came together. And that’s exactly what we did! The hardest thing to leave is what I built with those guys. I’ve talked to some of them and will talk to others. Nothing will ever change what we accomplished. We are brothers for life.  I also want to thank Micky Arison and Pat Riley for giving me an amazing four years.

將過去被視為背叛的轉投熱火,比喻為離鄉讀「College」 ,讓自己有機會再作成長,是精彩的PR Spin。LeBron James高中畢業便直接投身NBA,正是欠缺專上教育體驗,把效力熱火的四年,塑造成小子遠行就讀了一個社會大學課程,是為所謂的「背叛」,套上了一張漂亮的包裝紙。LeBron James亦不忘感謝及讚揚熱火老闆、教練與隊友,形容Miami為Second Home,這是感恩的表現。

I’m doing this essay because I want an opportunity to explain myself uninterrupted. I don’t want anyone thinking: He and Erik Spoelstra didn’t get along. … He and Riles didn’t get along. … The Heat couldn’t put the right team together. That’s absolutely not true.

I’m not having a press conference or a party. After this, it’s time to get to work.

這是回應上次備受詬病的電視直播節目「The Decision」,加上LeBron James口才不算了得,文字聲明正好彌補這方面的缺失,既能給人正式認真的感覺,亦可避免在電視前緊張而錯說了話,讓人清晰明白自己的想法。

When I left Cleveland, I was on a mission. I was seeking championships, and we won two. But Miami already knew that feeling. Our city hasn’t had that feeling in a long, long, long time. My goal is still to win as many titles as possible, no question. But what’s most important for me is bringing one trophy back to Northeast Ohio.

I always believed that I’d return to Cleveland and finish my career there. I just didn’t know when. After the season, free agency wasn’t even a thought. But I have two boys and my wife, Savannah, is pregnant with a girl. I started thinking about what it would be like to raise my family in my hometown. I looked at other teams, but I wasn’t going to leave Miami for anywhere except Cleveland. The more time passed, the more it felt right. This is what makes me happy.

把重返母會的決定,加入考慮家人這一點,讓公眾明白LeBron James是一位偉大球員的同時,亦是一位偉大爸爸。

To make the move I needed the support of my wife and my mom, who can be very tough. The letter from Dan Gilbert, the booing of the Cleveland fans, the jerseys being burned — seeing all that was hard for them. My emotions were more mixed. It was easy to say, “OK, I don’t want to deal with these people ever again.” But then you think about the other side. What if I were a kid who looked up to an athlete, and that athlete made me want to do better in my own life, and then he left? How would I react? I’ve met with Dan, face-to-face, man-to-man. We’ve talked it out. Everybody makes mistakes. I’ve made mistakes as well. Who am I to hold a grudge?

這段回應了Dan Gilbert的狠罵公開信,以及過去幾年所遭受的指罵與冷眼。LeBron James坦誠承認錯誤,剖白自己易地而處,也會有同樣感受。台灣施明德有一金句:「示弱是強者的美德。」強人死撐,反惹更多攻擊,示弱認錯,卻能引來同情,而強者認錯的反差,更可引發更大的體諒。LeBron James 清楚明白美國作家James A. Owen 所講的道理:「Admitting your faults isn’t a weakness — it’s a strength. Having your weaknesses pointed out isn’t a slur on your character — it’s an opportunity to improve your life.」

I’m not promising a championship. I know how hard that is to deliver. We’re not ready right now. No way. Of course, I want to win next year, but I’m realistic. It will be a long process, much longer than it was in 2010. My patience will get tested. I know that. I’m going into a situation with a young team and a new coach. I will be the old head. But I get a thrill out of bringing a group together and helping them reach a place they didn’t know they could go. I see myself as a mentor now and I’m excited to lead some of these talented young guys. I think I can help Kyrie Irving become one of the best point guards in our league. I think I can help elevate Tristan Thompson and Dion Waiters. And I can’t wait to reunite with Anderson Varejao, one of my favorite teammates.

LeBron James以往囂屎寸嘴,轉會熱火時曾豪言「he wasn’t there to win one, or two, or three, or four, or five, or six, or seven championships.」,但今次則盡顯謙卑,強調自己「Not Promising a championship」,這是從上次所學乖的經驗。

But this is not about the roster or the organization. I feel my calling here goes above basketball. I have a responsibility to lead, in more ways than one, and I take that very seriously. My presence can make a difference in Miami, but I think it can mean more where I’m from. I want kids in Northeast Ohio, like the hundreds of Akron third-graders I sponsor through my foundation, to realize that there’s no better place to grow up. Maybe some of them will come home after college and start a family or open a business. That would make me smile. Our community, which has struggled so much, needs all the talent it can get.


In Northeast Ohio, nothing is given. Everything is earned. You work for what you have.

I’m ready to accept the challenge. I’m coming home.

簡單一句「I’m coming home.」,包含著理想與情感,是完美的結語。
這段聲明在網上被火熱瘋傳,Twitter Post在短時間有過百萬點擊,網上反應正面,一般都視 LeBron James今次是由Bad Guy從良Good Guy。從Marketing角度思考,我認為Good Guy形象的商業價值較大,Sports Marketing Analyst Bob Dorfman估計,LeBron James的重返能為騎士隊價值提高5,000萬美元,而他個人也可多賺每年500萬美元的廣告代言及授權得益。

這篇聲明,不單是優質公關範文,也是一張為LeBron James品牌資產增值的大支票。一個偉大的運動員,不只需要強勁的球技,還需要一個強勁的文膽。









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